I am a speech therapist (pathologist) and i feel so much love and passion for the work I do. I am so lucky to go to work everyday and know that I am making a difference for the little guys I am working with. My favourite thing is using sign language (I use just Key word sign with AUSLAN signs- aka Makaton) and symbols ( use Boardmaker) to help communication as/or if speech develops. In fact tomorrow, I will be teaching 15 new people how to sign and use symbols with the little people in their lives... And do you know what - I'm excited! I can't wait to wake up tomorrow morning and share my love and passion with these people. I know tomorrow people will leave feeling excited and confident to help support their children more.

We all can take talking for granted. Learning to talk is one of the most complex motor acts we EVER have to learn - I mean, how did any of us learn to co-ordinate our voice box, mouth, lips and tongue to say sounds, words and sentences. So many children just can't do it, and others just can. For so many children we can use sign language and symbols to support and extend their communication development. It gives them a way to successful communication and successful communication means happiness and less frustration. Quite often children have to use sign and symbols for a long time as their speech develops. I just love helping kids to communicate (in any way they can!). I am blessed to be able to help so many and in doing so, enrich my own life with pride and happiness and fulfillment. This is not new (my 2011 word=new) to me, I have always felt this way and I hope I always will...

Thanks for listening!
Amanda, it is rare to be able to wake up in the morning and go do a job you love.
your work is admirable!
Just thought i would say Hi
I am a fellow Aussie living in Athens Greece.
The other thing we have in common is we are designin together for the 28th over at Sassy lil Sketches look forward to creating with you!!
You know how this subject is so close to my heart and LOVE that you are so passionate about making a difference.... THANK YOU.
I have just bought Jamie an IPhone for his birthday so will be looking at that speech application we have discussed. It would really help him to communicate and make his life so much easier. Thanks for sharing xx
So lovely to learn more about you Amanda and understand your passion for your work. It's a beautiful thing.
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